Reply to the doubt about Surat Ar-Ra’d, verse 13 , Is thunder an angel
And the thunder exalts Him with praise, and the angels, for fear of Him (verse 13).
Ibn Abbas said: The Jews came to Muhammad and said: Tell us about thunder, what is it? He said: An angel from the angels assigned to the clouds, with him are whips of fire, driving them with them wherever Allah wills. They said: What is this sound that is heard? He said: He rebukes the clouds until they end where they are commanded. They said: You have spoken the truth. Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi (Al-Razi in his interpretation of this verse).
Thunder, as is evident, is the electrical collision between clouds and each other, or between clouds and the earth.
The noble verse highlights an aspect of the power of Allah, the Most High, and this aspect is represented in one of the signs of Allah ( lightning ).
“ And lightning : which is the gleam of the clouds, and it has two wings, a wing that overflows with glad tidings, because it heralds the falling of rain and the pouring of downpour from the sky so that mercy may spread among the servants, and a wing that carries the warning, and brings panic and anxiety to the souls, so the limbs tremble, the faces turn pale and the strength withdraws…
So God Almighty shows us the lightning that carries these two meanings ( fear and greed ) so that our tongues are busy mentioning God, glorifying Him and praising Him, because the entire universe glorifies God, from angels, thunder, lightning, trees and stones… But we, as humans, do not realize the true nature of this glorification, and the Almighty, the Compeller sends thunderbolts and strikes with them whomever He wills of His servants and punishes with them whomever He wills, so that those who have forgotten God may know that God is severe in punishment, severe in force and strength, He rules as He wills and does as He wills.
Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman told us, Abu Naim told us on the authority of Abdullah bin Al-Walid, and he used to be in… Banu Ujayl, on the authority of Bakir ibn Shihab, on the authority of Saeed ibn Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Jews came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: O Abu al-Qasim, tell us about thunder, what is it? He said: It is an angel assigned to the clouds, with him are whips of fire with which he drives the clouds wherever God wills. They said: What is this sound that we hear? He said: It is his rebuking of the clouds when he rebukes them until they reach where he is commanded. They said: You have spoken the truth. So tell us about what Israel forbade himself. He said: He complained of sciatica and could not find anything that suited him except camel meat and milk, so he forbade them. They said: You have spoken the truth.
( With him are whips )
is the plural of mukhraq. It is originally a garment that is wrapped and used by children to beat each other with. What is meant here is a tool with which the angels drive the clouds.
“ He drives ”
meaning the angel in charge of the clouds
“ with it ”
meaning with those whips
( a drive )
meaning it is a drive
( when he drives it )
meaning when he drives it. Allah the Almighty said: {And those who drive with a drive} meaning the angels drive the clouds, meaning they drive them
“until it ends”
meaning the clouds reach
( where it is commanded )
in the passive form .
But in the Bible we see the nonsense and gibberish of the jungle where it is announced to us that thunder is the voice of God, so it was said:
Thunder is the voice of God
Job 37:2
Hear carefully the thunder of his voice and the roaring that comes out of his mouth ....After a roaring voice thunders with the voice of His majesty and does not delay it when His voice is heard .. (37:4) .. 5 God thunders with His voice, marvelously, He does great things that we do not comprehend.
Father Anthony Fikry says in his interpretation of this passage: The sound of thunder is an introduction that precedes the word of God as happened on Mount Sinai and then with Elijah.. Thunder is called the voice of God (Psalm 29:3).
Since Jesus is God in the doctrine of the cross, we say that it is certain and without doubt that there was rain, lightning and thunder in the time of Jesus, and since Jesus is a magical mixture of humanity and divinity, we say: How can thunder be the voice of God? Does divinity have a different tongue from the tongue of Jesus’ humanity?
These are less than a few questions that prove the corruption of the pagan doctrine of Christianity, which does not contradict the pagan doctrine of the Magi.
Which is more reasonable?!!!!!
The doubt is focused on how he can be an angel when it is scientifically known that thunder and lightning are the result of electrical charges. The doubt here is that this contradicts
modern science, which is proven, and there is no objection to its meaning being proven, neither rationally nor religiously, but it may encounter opposition from some advocates of modern rationalism, and they may find in it a contradiction to what is taught in international colleges and universities that have made a theory such as the theory of evolution a basic thing in the curricula, so do not be surprised by such doubts issued by these minds
. If we return to what was mentioned in the hadith, we know that God Almighty has angels who have specific tasks that their Lord charges them with. There is Malik, the keeper of Hell, and the Angel of Death. Everyone believes in their existence.
“ Some of the sensory causes God linked to unseen causes, such as death, the sensory cause of which is illness, and the unseen cause of which is the withdrawal of the soul by the angel, and all by the command and power of God. So when it is proven by religious evidence that a sensory cause is linked to a unseen cause, then belief in both causes is obligatory in this case: the unseen and the sensory, and it is not permissible to deny either of them under any circumstances.
It is not impossible for God Almighty to charge an angel from the angels with directly handling these matters .
Thunder has a sensory cause, and lightning has a sensory cause, which is what natural scientists talk about.” There are unseen causes for the movement of clouds, and God knows best about them. Muslim scholars mention that the one charged with the matter of provisions is Michael. So when a sound hadith is reported about the subject of thunder and lightning and the connection of the angels to it, then it is understood as mentioning the unseen cause that does not negate the sensory cause. So if you understand this subject, you will know an important rule by which you can understand many texts . (Saeed Hawwa / Al-Asas fi Al-Tafsir 5/2747
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